Tuesday, January 3, 2012

The Appellation Trail/Division Day - 1-1

1953 - J. D. Salinger moves to remote Cornish, New Hampshire, and is, for the most part, never seen again. Once asked what his initials stood for, Salinger said, "Juvenile delinquent."

1. What running back won the biggest landslide in Heisman voting history, beating Leroy Keyes of Purdue by 1,750 points?

2. What then struggling English teacher did Portuguese TV journalist Jorge Arantes divorce in 1993?

3. What Canadian singer appeared on the first cover of Entertainment Weekly?

4. Who got his beloved New Mexico ranch in exchange for the original manuscript of his novel Sons and Lovers?

5. Who set most of his most famous book in the year A.D. 802,701?

6. Who was already Gilda Radner's ex-husband when he was hired as bandleader as Saturday Night Live in 1980?

7. Who collaborated with James Thurber on Is Sex Necessary? before turning to more family-friendly books?

8. Who replaced John Paxson as Chicago Bulls point guard and was later replaced by him as the Bulls' general manager?

9. What playwright's friendship with Sylvia Llewelyn-Davie's fmaily inspired a 2004 movie?

10. Who has performed marriages for both Corey Feldman and Vince Neil?

1993 - Czechoslovakia is no more, dividing peacefully--and syllabically! --into the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Any other countries with long, tongue-twisting names want to help us out by doing the same? I'm looking at you, Trinidad and Tobago.

11. What book is divided into 114 chapters called "suras"?

12. What process is divided into four parts: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase?

13. What are divided by Botts' dots?

14. What nation is divided into twenty-six cantons, each of which was an independent state until 1848?

15. What is divided into the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum?

16. What movie is divided into chapters bearing title cards that include "The Gold Watch"and "The Bonnie Situation"?

17. The Carboniferous period, 300 million years ago, is divided into two epochs with the names of U.S. states. What two states?

18. What had Adams, Norris, Patrick, and Smythe divisions prior to 1993?

19. What nation is divided in two by the Cook Strait?

20. What incendiary novel is divided into three sections: "The Hearth and the Salamander,""The Sieve and the Sand,"and "Burning Bright"?

21. What kind of sporting event is divided into chukkas?

22. What line of latitude was chosen as the boundary between North and South Korea after WWII?

23. What "hip-hopera"did R. Kelly divide into twenty-two serialized chapters?

24. Excepting Alaska and Louisiana, what U. S. state is divided into the fewest counties, with only three?

25. Into how many numbered sections is a dartboard divided?


1. O.J. Simpson
2. J. K. Rowling
3. k. d. lang
4. D. H. Lawrence
5. H. G. Wells
6. G. E. Smith
7. E. B. White
8. B. J. Armstrong
9. J. M Barrie's
10. M. C. Hammer
11. The Qur 'an
12. Cell mitosis
13. Highway lanes
14. Switzerland
15. The small intestine
16. Pulp Fiction
17. Pennsylvania and Mississippi
18. The NHL
19. New Zealand
20. Fahrenheit 451
21. A polo match
22. The Thirty-eight Parallel
23. Trapped in the Closet
24. Delaware
25. Twenty

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