Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Avia-Tricks/Ho Ho Ho 1-3

1496 - Leonardo Da Vinci tests a flying machine of his own invention, an "ornithopter" with flapping batlike wings, but the idea fails to get off the ground.

1. Which two U.S. states salute the Wright brothers on their license plates?

2. What modern-day conglomerate built the Zero Fighter planes used to bomb Pearl Harbor?

3. In what city did Charles Lindbergh take his first piloting job, flying the mail?

4. What even inspired Herbert Morrison's famous quote "Oh, the humanity!"?

5. What record-breaking pilot discovered the jet stream in his plane the Winne Mae?

1863 - Political cartoonist Thomas Nast publishes his first illustration of Santa Claus in the pages of Harper's Weekly. Our popular image of Santa today springs directly from Nast's work.

6. What branch of the Armed Forces first popularized the phrase "gung ho"?

7. HO scale is the world's most popular size of what?

8. What Devon town, named for a Charles Kingsley novel, is the only place in Britain that ends with an exclamation point?

9. What song about a glass of wine is Don Ho's signature tune?

10. What do Mary Ann Nichols, Annie Chapman, Liz Stride, Catherine Eddowes, and Mary Jane Kelly have in common?

1988 - Margaret Thatcher becomes the longest-ruling British prime minister of the twentieth century, surpassing Herbert Asquit.


1. Ohio and North Carolina
2. Mitsubishi
3.St. Louis
4. The Hindenburg explosion
5. Wiley Post
6. The Marines
7. Model railroad
8. Westward Ho!
9. Tiny Bubbles
10. They were killed by Jack the Ripper

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